Animal Success Stories
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Gator Max (formerly Gator) is doing great. He is part of the family now. He and my other dog Rocky are best friends!! Thank you again for Max he makes our family complete!! Thank You, Stephanie Olson
Gwen The experience of adopting with Diamond in the Ruff has been so rewarding! We settled on adopting Gwen, our adorable kitty that we've renamed Olive, with you guys and have been blown away by how much we love her already! She's so wonderful and brings so much joy to our household. Olive has settled in nicely and we've been getting to know her spunky side over the last month in a half; she truly is a one of a kind lady. Personally, I cherish our morning routine together as we get to spend one-on-one time over breakfast and cuddles. She likes to be with me while I get ready for work and she stays by my side when I get home for lunch. She's very playful and likes to give us "love nips" and kisses! We love her so much! Thanks again to everyone at Diamond in the Ruff Pet Rescue for giving us the opportunity to have Olive in our lives; she has changed them already! Kind regards, Paige Douglas
Ginger Hello! I recently adopted a six year old puggle named Ginger and couldn't be happier. She is just an awesome dog and is a perfect match for us. I can't believe someone gave this dog up, but its their loss, our gain, and we're thrilled. Thank You all at DITR for all you do! Bob Thielges
Gigi Gigi is adjusting very nicely into our little family. We have one other dog (Lola), they have become quite the little duo. They lay on the back of the couch together and watch cars and other dogs go by. She loves going on walks and running around out in the yard. I currently do not have any pictures of her in action but will get you some when I do. Thanks, Griffin Gessner
Gabby We've had her 6 months now and she is doing pretty well. Gabby has had her ups and downs but we wouldn't trade her for anything. We did put her on medication to help with her fear of everything and everyone. We also found a trainer in GF which taught us to help Gabby deal with us. I can now approach her without her running away, she takes a treat from my hand, taught her to sit and stay. Gabby is still leery of Greg, but getting better. When we're not home she has free reign of the house and hasn't had any accidents. All we want for our Gabby is to have the rest of her life to be happy and free from abuse!! I will try and send pictures. Once again, Thank you for everything you do for these animals! Click a letter to find an animal or view all.